- How to pack a standard 1st Aid Kit
- The kit should contain:No.ContentPictureQuantity1Individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings
20-402Crepe bandage (5 cm) 1-43Crepe bandage (10 cm)As above1-64Absorbent gauze (sealed packets) 5-155Hypoallergenic tape 1-26Triangular bandages 4-67Scissors 18Safety pins 4-69Disposable gloves (pairs) 2-410Eye shield 2-611Eye pad 2-612Resuscitation mask with oneway valve or Disposable faceshield 1-213Sterile water or saline in 100 ml disposable containers 1-314Penlight 1
- Know the limits of first aid and when a first-aider would need to get adult help
- The objectives of first aid is to save life, prevent further injury and limit infection. It is not a substitute for proper medical treatment.
- If you suspect the casualty needs emergency medical care, seek adult help.
- Know how to control bleeding by direct pressure on a wound
- Apply direct pressure to the wound using a gloved hand and place a clean dressing over the wound as soon as possible
Apply a bulky pad extending beyond the edges of the wound, and bandage firmly. If bleeding continues, leave the dressing in place and bandage another one on top.
- Do not disturb the pads or bandages once bleeding is controlled.
- Know the importance of cleanliness and show how to dress minor cuts and grazes with gauze and a roller bandage; apply and remove adhesive dressings
- Wash hands and put on disposable, non-latex gloves before touching a dressing or wound.
- Ensure the pad covers beyond the edge of the wound.
- Hold the pad by the edges and place it directly on top of the wound. Never touch the part of the pad that will be in contact with the wound.
- Secure the pad with adhesive tape or a roller bandage.
How to remove adhesive dressings:
- Soak a cotton ball or cotton swab in handy, olive oil and petroleum jelly
- Demonstrate the use of a triangular bandage as an arm sling, knee and head bandage
(Done at world scouts day presentation)
- Know how to treat burns and scalds and how to put out burning clothing.
- Treat burns:
- Remove the source of heat. Remove hot clothing if possible.
- Cool the injured area with water for at least 10 minutes or until the pain is relieved.
- Remove any objects (jewellery, watches, belts or clothing) from the injured area before the swelling begins.
- Use a sterile dressing or a clean pad to bandage loosely and consult a doctor for further treatment.
- Put out burning clothing:
- Stop moving. Movements will fan the flames and cause burns to be more severe
- Drop to the ground immediately and cover your face with your hands. Lay flat on the ground so that much of the body is in contact with the ground to smother the flame
- Roll over and over on the ground to smother the flame
- Know how to treat a wasp or bee sting and how to remove a splinter
- If the bee’s stinger or splinter is in the wound, remove it with a pair of tweezers (disinfect the tweezers with rubbing alcohol, pinching the end of the sting/splinter between the tweezer’s arms and pull the sting/splinter out gently and slowly)
- Apply a cold compress to relieve pain.
- Advise the casualty to see a doctor if the pain and swelling persist.
- Monitor for allergic reaction.
- Have knowledge of CPR and where possible demonstrate this method by use of a mannequin or other approved aid
- Check casualty’s breathing and airway
- Check carotid pulse
- If no pulse, start CPR with 30 chest compressions at a depth of 5cm
- Open airway, pinch casualty’s nose and give 2 blows
- If no breathing repeat cycle: 30 chest compressions and 2 blows
Source: SCDF Youtube Channel
- Demonstrate how to make a patient comfortable
- Stay calm and take charge of the situation
- Introduce yourself to the casualty to help gain their trust
- Explain the situation and anything you are going to do before doing it
- Treat the casualty with dignity and respect at all times
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