Hiking from Windsor Nature Park to the Tree Top Walk!

Hi everyone! I am going to share with you my experience hiking to the Tree Top walk at around 3.15pm on 29 December 21!

Going to Windsor Nature Park

We drove a car to the Venus Drive Carpark, and plan to walk to the Tree Top Walk.


When we first entered the walk, we thought that the route of us hiking to Treetop Walk and coming back to the car park was only 4 km but we were wrong! The route has only one way forward and we could not hike back from Treetop Walk to our car from the same route back. We continued to hike to the Treetop Walk and took some pictures!

We met many people, including one YouTuber that was practicing taking pictures. They were very kind and helped us to take a few pictures like the one below.

After walking a while, it suddenly rained, and I had to use an umbrella and share it with my brother. We were drenched.

After the rain stopped, we continued walking! Too bad it rained again after that.

When we reached the Ranger Station, we refill our waterbottle and sought shelter. We could not wait any longer due to the time constraints (last entry to treetop walk is 4:30pm) and decided to continue the hike. While leaving the Ranger Station, I saw a fellow school friend and waved at him. What a coincidence!

The hike to the Treetop Forest after that was quite intensive as we needed to hike up the slope. Despite the difficulties, we pressed on and finally reached the Treetop Forest. The rain thankfully stopped after a while.

We finally finished hiking on the Treetop Walk! Thinking that we were halfway to completing the hike, we were astonished to find out that we were wrong! We felt quite tired and stressed out fearing that the park will be in total darkness soon and quickly rushed our way out. Little did we know it will rain heavily again. On the way out, we saw wild boars and chickens. It was already 6.30pm when we reached the Venus Drive Carpark!


Reached the car! Now what?

After a long hike, we decided to eat at a prata place, and the prata there were crispy and yummy!

Since a dessert shop was nearby, we went there and ate some waffles with Earl Grey and Vanilla ice cream for the topping!

After filling up our stomachs, we went back home!

Hope you enjoy this blog and experience hiking to Treetop Walk like me!

Have a nice day 🙂

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