Caring about Seniors
We watched a video about an elderly man called “Ah Guai”, a long-lasting customer who was given a delivery job by the hawkers in one of the stalls.
He was old and retired so in order to keep him active, the hawkers requested his help with delivery
He gets lost pretty often but instead of leaving him lost by himself, they are always patient to tell him the directions and help him.
Unlike these hawkers, there are a handful of families in Singapore that actually don’t really care and do not take care of the elderlies, especially if they suffer from health conditions. They would find this a hassle and leave them in Old Folks’ Homes
Race blindness in Singapore
Another video was of a Vietnamese woman who gave out free masks for everyone.
She stood at an MRT station just to give out masks to anyone and said that she did not care whether they were a certain race and that she wanted to help everyone!
Go Local
A video featured older hawkers who cannot use online platforms for delivery. Due to that, their salary was reduced by 80%-90%, some don’t even earn any money.
They can’t pay for their essentials and have to close down their businesses. This also shows how Singaporeans would only go to trendy or social media-worthy places instead of hawker centres to eat.
We should go to our nearby hawker centres once and a while and eat there, instead of going to the crowded areas that are very popular.
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