It was a Saturday morning, when I was at school, with my 4 cubs together, steaming a Pandan Cake in school as a presentation for World Scouts Day.
I was the first to arrive, followed by the 3 cubs! We were excited and started chatting. When the teachers arrived, they told me and Zelda to check how many people are supposed to join our presentation.
While that happened, the others prepared for the presentation, by practicing their scripts! When we are done, we joined them.
After practicing, there was a lot of time left. Nabil talked about NAPFA and wanted to practice for the standing broad jump test.
Shortly after, we were told that we will need to do the presentation 2 times, for various reasons. We were a little stressed but we got through it, and continued what we were doing.
When it is time for presentation, we said all the things well, but I have trouble mixing it, because I was using a spoon. When we finished presenting, it is now time to let them have some recap, with KAHOOT! I hosted it and I made some mistakes, even from pronouncing people’s name wronly.
We improved when we did the 2nd presentation round and I did not have much trouble with the kahoot.
After that, we noticed that there are egg shells and some flour on the table. We cleaned it up and rested. Mr He then rewarded us with some drinks from buzz stall and we chatted from DSA to my website presentation. After a few minutes, it is time to go.
Just thinking of that experience sends smiles on my face and how I wish to do that again, maybe next year.
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