Yesterday, I attended the Akela Award Presentation Ceremony at the Girls Guides HQ. Here is a recount of what happened!
On 6.15am, I woke up and watched the television with my family. As it almost reached 7.00am, I went to change to the scouts uniform and went to Bishan by car with my parents.
As we went for breakfast, I felt a little nauseous and a little sick. However, I managed to continue eating breakfast and proceeded to the Girl Guides HG.
When I went in the multi-purpose hall in the Girl Guides HG, I saw my teacher and he guided me on what I should do for the speech later.
After going through the speech, I went towards my seat and saw Zelda, another Akela Award recipient of my school, there. Feeling excited and nervous, we waited for the rehearsal to commence. As Zachary, another Akela Award recipient of my school came towards us, we were told that our vice-principal, Dr Lee, came to the ceremony to support us. We even took pictures with him before the ceremony commences.

At 10am, parents were seen swarming in the hall. I could tell that we were anxiously finding where our parents are.
Once the ceremony commenced, we looked at other schools cubs receiving the Akela Award certificate, memorising the steps we had to do when we go on stage.
And finally, our school, Punggol Green Primary School was called out to receive our certificate. We were called on stage and received our certificates from Dr Lee.
Afterwards, we proceeded towards the photo booth and took pictures together.
We went back to the hall and observed the rest of the cub scouts receiving the certificate, and had a chat about our past senior sixers.
After some more school’s cubs received the certificate, 2 cubs, together with me, were called on stage to give a speech. Although I was nervous, I knew I had to be brave and continue my speech. As I approached the microphone, I felt more confident to give out the speech.
After the speech, I went back to my seat and the ceremony continued. We also took some selfies together!

After the ceremony came to an end, we were dismissed. My family and I went to the photo booth and took pictures together.

We then proceeded downstairs and saw Zelda with her family. Before we parted ways, we took a picture together.

Afterwards, we ate some snacks and left the Girl Guides HQ.
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