My Scouting Journey

  • First Aid Training Course

    On 18 of June, Ryan, Yee Yong and I went to the first aid course at the Singapore First Aid Training Centre. Although I was stressed at first as I thought that it would be very hard to pass the tests, I soon realised that it was quite simple because…

  • International Friendship Day | Morning Story

    This Tuesday, I managed to have a speech on international friendship to commemorate international friendship day in school. This was after weeks of preparation with Ms Tay, the teacher in charge of my presentation. Earlier this year, I signed up to be the speaker for this morning story, and was…

  • De:Xufto Camping Experience | Day 4

    On the final day of Dexufto, we fell in at the TK Low hall and had our longest morning inspection yet, as we were unable to meet the strict time given to unpack all our items. After morning inspection, we had our breakfast, and got ready to be dismissed by…

  • De:Xufto Camping Experience | Day 3

    Early in the morning, we were woken up by a fire alarm. Our seniors woke us up and rushed us to the MPC (Multi-Purpose Court) to fall in. Little did we know, it was a fire drill. After the fire drill, we had our morning inspection and ate breakfast. Afterwards,…

  • De:Xufto Camping Experience | Day 2

    For the second day of the camp, we went for a hike to various landmarks of Singapore. We had had our morning inspection before we had breakfast first. Embarking on the adventure, we plotted out different routes we could take to finish stopping by all the landmarks. Starting our hike……

  • De:Xufto Camping Experience | Day 1

    De:Xufto is a signature Phantom Scouts camp every 4 years. Known to be a tough but fulfilling camp, many of us looked forward to joining it. On the first day of the camp, I woke up early and prepared for it, eventually reaching school at about 7.40. Before the start…

  • Scouts Trip to Malacca

    Day 1 On the 1st of December, we went to Malacca and embarked on a 3D2N journey. After clearing customs, we went to Pay Fong School and met different scouts from SM Pay Fong, SMJK Katholik, SMJK Notre Dame Convent and SMJk Yok Bin. Together, we managed to know more…

  • Astronautics

    Explain the purpose of space exploration including: – historical reasons – immediate goals in terms of specific knowledge benefits related to Earth resources, technology, and new products There are many purposes of space exploration. Historical reasons for the purposes of space exploration are to advance in scientific research, and national…

  • Civics

    Requirement Notes Name and briefly describe the roles of the following appointments:President of SingaporePrime Minister of SingaporeSpeaker of ParliamentChief Justice of SingaporeMember of parliament of your place of residence The president must open each Session of Parliament and delivers an address laying out the key priorities of the Government. Apart…

  • Scouts in Secondary School

    As I joined Phantom Scouts a few weeks before this post, I realised how different scouting is in secondary school. Here is my experience in Phantom Scouts. Every week, we will have to fall in at the school courtyard in patrol, and carry on with our activities afterwards. In cub…

  • We’re Back!

    On 6 March 2023, Zelda, an ex-Senior Sixer from PGPS (Punggol Green Primary School) cub scouts, and I went to our primary school scouts and attended the CCA. Here is an overview of what we have done! On 2.10, Zelda and I met at the bus stop outside our school…

  • Akela Award Presentation Ceremony

    Yesterday, I attended the Akela Award Presentation Ceremony at the Girls Guides HQ. Here is a recount of what happened! On 6.15am, I woke up and watched the television with my family. As it almost reached 7.00am, I went to change to the scouts uniform and went to Bishan by…

  • DSA Experiences

    Having been accepted to Maris Stella High School, Edgefield Secondary School and Holy Innocents’ High School, I would like to write about my personal experiences going for DSA interviews in these schools. Maris Stella High School (Scouts) Although this is the first school I went to for my DSA interview,…

  • Reflection throughout the years…

    Along my journey in scouts, I have learnt various things from teamwork to leadership skills. Many people guided me from my parents to my teachers, and I could not become who I am today. 2019 It all started when I was in Primary 3, looking forward to choosing my CCA.…

  • CLTC Reflection Day 2

    Hi everyone! A brand new day has started, which means another scouts meeting! I hopped in the meeting on 8:30 and waited for the meeting to start. After I joined the meeting and went into my breakout room, we started the day by presenting to Mr Ang, the head Commissioner…

  • CLTC 2022 Reflection Day 1

    Hi everyone! Just now, I took part in the CLTC 2022, and I would like to reflect on what I have done! Something that surprised me was that Nixon (My previous CCA Senior), is our Facilitator for the session! Firstly, we got to plan about a camp and plan the…

  • Hiking from Punggol Central to Kampong Lorong Buangkok!

    Hello! I am going to blog about my family and I hiking from Punggol Central to Kampong Lorong Buangkok!   Details Hike from Punggol Central to Kampong Lorong Buangkok and back to Punggol Central on 23 December at about 7:20am (total distance: 10km; total time taken: 2hr 41min)   Journey…

  • Hiking from Windsor Nature Park to the Tree Top Walk!

    Hi everyone! I am going to share with you my experience hiking to the Tree Top walk at around 3.15pm on 29 December 21! Going to Windsor Nature Park We drove a car to the Venus Drive Carpark, and plan to walk to the Tree Top Walk. Journey When we…

  • Journey to being a Senior Sixer is back with 2 stories in one!

    I’m sorry… I love doing this series but something happened to me! I have not posted in months from now! So, to repay you, I will have to dig my memory and find out what makes me now! But first, let me tell you! I made a big jump from…

  • CLTC June 2021 Reflection (Day 2)

    Another day has come and another session of CLTC will be taking place that day! I joined the meeting in time and made a script for the slides that I am presenting and shortly after, the meeting started! We have gotten ready for the presentation and inserted pictures for the…

  • CLTC June 2021 Recap (Day 1)

    I have been selected for the CLTC June 2021 Programe! I was so excited as it will be conducted during the June holidays, and I can meet my friends and teachers during the session conducted online! When I join the session, I saw my friends, teachers, and a facilitator. He…

  • World Scouts Day – Steaming of Pandan Cake

    It was a Saturday morning, when I was at school, with my 4 cubs together, steaming a Pandan Cake in school as a presentation for World Scouts Day. I was the first to arrive, followed by the 3 cubs! We were excited and started chatting. When the teachers arrived, they…

  • The Journey to Being a Senior Sixer #4

    It was an afternoon, me Zelda and the senior sixers are going to a room (beside Playto room). At first, me and Zelda did not know what is happening because that was our first time me and Zelda are selected for the national day event. We were nervous and relieved,…

  • The Journey to being a Senior Sixer #3

    After the first session, I was sort of like addicted to it. This CCA is like for me! At the December holiday, I did my first proficiency badge, Animal Lover (Click here to see my animal lover file) . It was one of the easiest proficiency badge so I will…

  • #2 Journey to being a Senior Sixer.

    It was somewhere at July (I think) that I have been notified of my CCA arrangement. I was relieved to realise that I am in Scouts! I feared that I have no CCA to go to, and have to pick one that I dislike. So, the first session of scouts…

  • #1 The Journey to being a Senior Sixer

    It was when I was primary 3 when I was interested in being in a uniformed group, Scouts, mostly because of Nixen and Eyra. (Sorry if I spelt it wrongly) At first, I was interested with Robotics, as I like being with computers, but when I was at the course…

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