On 6 March 2023, Zelda, an ex-Senior Sixer from PGPS (Punggol Green Primary School) cub scouts, and I went to our primary school scouts and attended the CCA. Here is an overview of what we have done!

On 2.10, Zelda and I met at the bus stop outside our school and went to the scouts. I felt shocked that they were more prepared than I expected, and that there are new teachers in charge of this CCA.
After the flag break, we introduced ourselves to everyone and allowed them to know more about ourselves, and went on to talk about the Akela Award in a classroom.
As the younger juniors still have lots of time to complete the Akela Award requirements, we focused on the seniors and gave them tips on what to do during the assessment.
After all the talking, they managed to finish one of the requirements for the Akela Award that day and proceeded to play dodgeball.
I could see how they enjoyed Scouts, and although it is a little questionable the way they play dodgeball due to how differently we used to play it, I enjoyed my time with them and was reminded of my primary school days. I look forward to seeing them again as a person better than how they are that day!
After the meeting
When we were dismissed, we went to find our teachers. When we spotted Mr Ikmal, my form teacher, we greeted him and went back home.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers who taught me. I appreciate all your efforts in helping us, and always being on our side. PGPS would never be great without you, and we would not be where we are now without you.
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